
Here is a collection of my music. I love exploring new sounds and experimenting with beautiful harmonies. My primary styles include impressionism and Japanese electronic music, with influence from jazz and funk. Take a listen to some of my works that reflect my passion.

3:34 AM

A J-POP fusion jazz written in Jun 2024. Performance is edited entirely using MIDI.

Green Pepper

A Kawaii Bass fusion jazz written in May 2024. Upbeat melody with interesting chord progressions and improvisation.


A Kawaii Bass written in May 2024. Experimenting with aggressive designs of synthesizers and use of repetition.

Wandering Wings

An impressionism piano solo written in my senior year of high school as a tribute to Ravel. Written and edited entirely using MIDI. I was trying to depict the imagery of birds through fast arpeggios and frequent changes in tonality.